I got this incredible list from a friend of mine. I don't it should be kept secret, so I'm laying it all out for my readers.
FOOD AND NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION:www.pcrm.org(Medical doctors who provide excellent veg nutritional information)
On-line vegan grocery store:
http://store.foodfightgrocery.comEveryday grocery store food that you never knew was vegan:
www.peta.org/accidentallyVeganHundreds of reviewed recipes:
www.vegweb.comwww.vegsource.comwww.theppk.comFabulous DVD that shows how to cook and shop cruelty-free:
www.compassionatecooks.comWith this video/DVD, adding tofu to your diet has never been easier:
www.deliciousadventures.comRidiculously tasty, soy meats delivered right to your door:
www.vegieworld.comwww.auraprofoods.comScrumptious cookies, brownies, and chocolate:
www.allisonsgourmet.comwww.TheGroovyBaker.comhttp://www.vegantreats.comwww.babycakesnyc.comwww.sweetavenuebakeshop.comwww.madamebutterflycakes.comwww.ambrosiamystique.comDr Cows Vegan Cheese to die for:
www.dr-cow.com(read this <
http://thediscerningbrute.wordpress.com/2008/03/03/the-best-cheese-on-earth-dr-cow/> cool article about it too!)
Follow your heart cheeses (Amazing for melting/ sandwiches)
http://followyourheart.comAmazing raw food snacks:
http://oneluckyduck.comIncredible (the best!!!) grain based meats:
http://www.fieldroast.comIce Cream & Vegan yogurts:
http://www.turtlemountain.comInstead of butter: Earth Balance spread (much yummier than butter!)
Instead of eggs: Tofu Scramble - try the one at Bliss in Brooklyn or Curly's in NYC, or make:
http://www.chooseveg.com/tofu-scramble.aspInstead of mayo: Nayonaise
http://followyourheart.com"Cheese" recipes for cheese lovers:
www.aboverubies.org/health/cheese.htmlThe Post Punk Kitchen is home to Isa Chandra Moskowitz and her INCREDIBLE cookbook (my favorite) Vegonomicon. Check it out for hipster style and dope recipes:
http://www.theppk.comRESTAURANTS:Lists all vegetarian restaurants worldwide Vegan Restaurant Guides for NYC, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Portland, and D.C.:
www.vegdining.comhttp://www.friendsofanimals.org/programs/vegetarianism/restaurant-guides/index.htmlwww.supervegan.com (An ambitious website made by vegans for vegans primarily in NYC)
A few personal favorites (note I said PERSONAL – there are thousands of veg restaurants, these are just some of my faves);
Los Angeles:
http://www.madeleinebistro.comhttp://mcafedechaya.comhttp://www.realfood.comhttp://www.nativefoods.comNew York: Candle 79, Hangawi, Blossom, Kate's Joint, Counter, Caravan of Dreams, Bliss (Brooklyn), Candle Café, Angelika's Kitchen, Curly's, Gobo.
Private vegan chef's (NY AREA):
"Gabrielle Brick"
yoli@ouiya.com"Joshua Katcher"
joshuakatcher@earthlink.net"Ella Nemcova"
www.theregalvegan.comVegan Cooking Classes LA taught by two hip awesome girls:
http://www.sporkfoods.comLagusta's Luscious is a meal delivery service that specializes in organic, vegan food in NYC, upstate New York, and New Jersey
http://www.lagustasluscious.comFOR THE FAMILY:www.vegfamily.comwww.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/pregnancy.htmlhttp://www.vrg.org/nutrition/veganpregnancy.htmwww.pcrm.org/health/veginfo/veg_diets_for_children.htmlwww.pcrm.org/health/prevmed/building_bones.htmlhttp://www.andrews.edu/NUFS/vegathletes.htmNutritional information on vegan diets for athletes
www.cyberparent.com/nutrition/osteoporosisimpotencecancer.htmThe low-down on how dairy products aggravate osteoporosis, not prevent it
www.choiceusa.netFor parents who want to get vegan meals into their children's schools
www.perhapsmedia.net/p4_portfolio.htmlA Short on Vegan Kids!
CLOTHES TO MAKE UP TO HOME:www.veganstore.comwww.veganessentials.comwww.thevegetariansite.com(Each of these provides an array of vegan products)
www.petamall.com/index.aspwww.alternativeoutfitters.comwww.animalrightstuff.comhttp://www.herbivoreclothing.comwww.motivecompany.com(Coolest message-related clothing, buttons, etc)
www.mattandnat.comwww.mooshoes.comwww.beyondskin.co.ukOh so stylish vegan handbags, wallets, shoes, boots, and belts
www.crystalynkae.comLuxurious handbags created with buttery-soft glazed vegan leather
www.vegetarianbelts.comwww.urbandecay.comwww.dupreycosmetics.comwww.smashbox.comTotally fun and sexy makeup lines
http://thediscerningbrute.wordpress.comGreat ethical, green high fashion advice for men by men
www.ahappyplanet.com/ahpstore/bedding/prblank2.htmlOrganic and animal-free bedding and blankets
www.kidbean.comThe first all-vegan, eco-friendly, fair labor online children's store
Natalie Portman shoes for Te Casan Stella McCartney's shoes.
www.minkshoes.comhttp://www.beyondskin.cohttp://www.elezar.com/Collections/vivi/index.htmlhttp://simpleshoes.comwww.ascentofscandal.comBOOKS/ MAGAZINES/ FILM:www.tribeofheart.orgExtraordinary documentaries on animal issues – we highly recommend seeing all of these
www.vegnews.comHands-down, the best veg eating and lifestyle magazine
The Food Revolution by John Robbins
Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman
www.skinnybitch.netThe China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health— Seminal study documenting link between animal food & disease, and industry influence -
http://www.thechinastudy.com/about.htmlBecoming Vegan : The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet —GREAT book on how to make sure you get all your vitamins and nutrition as a veggie lass or gent
http://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Vegan-Complete-Adopting-Plant-Based/dp/1570671036/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1213368101&sr=11-1Vegonomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz – my most FAVORITE cookbook!!
Healthy Eating Series: PCRM books on vegan diets for children, women, cancer, and diabetes
http://pcrm.safeshopper.com/13/cat13.htm?53Eat to Live and Disease-Proof Your Child -
www.drfuhrman.com/book.htmlVegan Freak - by Bob and Jenna Torres -
http://veganfreak.netLiving with Meat-Eaters -
www.triroc.com/caroladams/#livingHow to deal with questions from meat-eaters once you go veg
Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World
www.vegfamily.com/raising-vegan-children/index.php?src=lbinfoA great guide for helping your child easily adjust to going vegan
Vegan World Fusion Cuisine:
www.veganfusion.comHow It All Vegan and The Garden of Vegan:
www.govegan.netThe Vegetarian Meat and Potatoes Cookbook by Robin Robertson
Vive le Vegan!: Simple, Delectable Recipes for the Everyday Vegan Family
www.everydayvegan.com/vive_le_vegan.htmThe Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook— Favorite "cheese" dishes without the cholesterol, animal products, and dairy allergens
www.vegsource.com/jo/books/ultimate.htmSimple Treats: a dairy-free wheat-free guide to scrumptious baked goods
www.simpletreats.comSimply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, a feature documentary about the healing powers of live foods. Fascinating short film online here free:
http://www.rawfor30days.com/TRAVEL:Green Earth Travel is the one stop travel service for all of your travel needs. Their specialty is meeting the vegetarian/vegan needs of their clientele.
http://www.vegtravel.comHealthy Highways: A Traveler's Guide to Healthy Eating
www.book.nu/1886101108http://www.healthyvoyager.blogspot.com - great blog on veg traveling
MORAL SUPPORT/ MAILING LISTS:www.dawnwatch.nethttp://www.farmedanimal.netwww.chloejo.cowww.veganbabe.comwww.veggieboards.com - Great way to get advice, commune with others
www.famousveggie.comwww.veggiedate.orghttp://www.earthsave.org/educates, inspires, and empowers people to shift toward a plant-based diet. EarthSave was founded by John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America. Look for an EarthSave chapter in your area.
http://www.earthsave.org/chapters.htmANIMAL PROTECTION GROUPS:www.hsus.orgwww.farmsanctuary.orgwww.cok.netwww.humaneusa.orgThe only national organization focusing on electing humane-minded legislators and lobbying for animal protection laws
now some links (not all. yeah, there's more in the book!) from the
Skinny Bitch book: