Sunday, December 07, 2008

Custom skanimals!

Custom skanimals! The world has gone crazy!

Yes, you can make your own 5 card skanimal box set of any of the skanimal animals. Mix and match to create your own set for the holidays or just for fun. Messages can also be customizable at no extra charge.

Have fun!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Monday, December 01, 2008

skanimal time!

Hey pals! It's that time again!!! WOOOT! Holiday cards coming your way!

I have 2 new skanimals that will be up VERY soon (hedgehog and horse).

I also finished my skanimal 2009 calendar. Deets on pricing to come ASAP.

My esty page is linked to the side or you can click on the link below.



Friday, November 14, 2008

Countdown: Special Comment on Prop 8

While I don't agree with the weird editing shots and cuts, I do agree with what he has to say. Please listen...

Monday, November 03, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hit by a Car

2 years ago from this very day, I was hit by a car and thrown through Daffy's store window. A man was push starting his car with his girlfriend in the driver's seat. The 22 year old woman did not know how to drive stick and did not have a driver's license. When the car started, she freaked out, put the car in gear and slammed on the gas. I faintly remember what happened. There was a loud noise and the next thing I knew was that I was on the hood of a car, I blacked out again, and then I was on the floor of Daffy's storefront window. I was in and out of consciousness the entire time, in the ambulance, being carted to the ER room and when the doctors stood around me saying, "This is a miracle" "She shouldn't have survived" "There's no internal bleeding?"

It was completely traumatic. Somehow, I survived without suffering any internal bleeding or loosing a limb. I ended up with a sprained ankle, partially torn ACL, broken fibula, torn shoulder, chipped bone in my elbow, 2 herniated discs in my neck, a few stitches on my head and a concussion. I was hospitalized for 8 days and transferred to 4 different rooms.

The case is still not closed. Because the woman was uninsured, along with her parents, there is no coverage. The man who owned the car (now the woman's husband) has VERY poor insurance and does not make any money. I will NOT be getting millions of dollars, I will be getting a few thousand Maybe.

It's not about the money, it's about the event. It's completely effected me. I am a different Jodi than before the accident. I do have a different view on life. Small problems are now just that, small. I love living life and try to appreciate every gift that has been given to me. I am a lucky ducky. I'm still facing obstacles because of the accident, but at least I'm facing them. I try to put a positive spin on everything I do and enjoy each moment. It's all we have. Make the most out of it.

I wrote a song! "Hit by a Car"
I may do more with the story, who knows!
I hope you enjoy it! :D

Thanks Mike for your blog post too!!
(in case my MP3 hosting doesn't work)

Friday, October 24, 2008

FairVote explains IRV

A good thing to know.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Terry Tate: Reading Is Fundamental

Watch the WHOLE the very end.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Dog Run NEEDED in Astoria

I live in Astoria, Astoria park is (1) far away (2) really dirty and gross (3) doesn't have a separate space for small dogs. So I've decided to form: Astoria Dog Owners Group (A. D.O.G.).

Astoria Dog Owners Group
This group will unite owners and their pups to promote a better life. The first order of business is to get a suitable dog run in the area. In order to do this, I need people to fill out the following petition below. The petition will also double as becoming a member of the Astoria Dog Owners Group. If you don't want to become a member but want to sign the petition, just leave out your email.

To sign, go to:

PLEASE!!! Emmie needs a place to meet new friends!!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Avon Stats

It's kind of amazing:
$11.5 Million, 405 survivors and over 4600 participants.

I was told by my walker pal MIchelle, that at the closing ceremony, they announced a donation to one of the NY hospitals of $4.5 million.

Very awesome. Thank you again to those who donated, walked, and supported.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Avon Breast Cancer Walk

An amazing experience, one that shouldn’t be taken for granted, an experience with a purpose. The Avon Breast Cancer walk was nothing short of inspirational. Thousands of people raised over $11 million dollars through the New York walk alone. People of different shapes, sizes, genders, sexualities bonded together for one goal; to walk almost 40 miles in 2 days which included a series of blisters on our feet, sore hips, thighs, hamstrings, knees and feet from walking in the rain, sun, wind over bridges, hills and boroughs. I was on my friend Nicole’s team with 7 other walking ladies (including Daine who is 4 months preggers!!). My favorite quote happened while I was eves-dropping on others conversations between zoning out, was between 2 women walkers:

Woman 1: How you doing?
Woman 2: It’s not about me today.

We had station “pit” stops every few miles with loads of snacks, water, Gatorade, port-o-potties and cheerers. The cheerers really got us going especially during the quite walk times. I got kinda bonkers during the last 10 miles of our walk and started making up songs and raps about our walk, along with well known hits like: Threes Company theme song, Facts of Life theme song, Greatest Love of All, Muppets theme song, Andy Griffin theme song, Whistle While You Work, Somewhere over the Rainbow... After mile 27, we camped together on Randall Island in tents that we had to put up, with the help of some nice boy scouts. There were semis filled with showers to clean ourselves up in with rows of chairs for us to scoot in line. I met a woman in her mid-20s who trained in the gym everyday and had run marathons. She said this was the hardest walk she had ever done. Me, and other women around her, agreed in awe as we compared blisters on our feet. Down from our tents they had set up tents for us for massage, podiatry, medical, chiropractor and physical therapy. The massage appointments filled up quick, I missed that, so I went over to the podiatrist tent. I met a woman wearing a pink fishing hat with many ribbons and walk pins who had done this walk for 5 years. She talked about how she always lost toenails every year, this was the first time she ever had a blister. After having my blisters drained and padded, I headed over to the medical tent to have my knees iced. I was nothin’ compared to the 5-7 people who were hooked up to IVs due to dehydration. After my treatments, I headed back to the tent and cuddled up in my space-like mylar foil blanket and passed out under my tent with my pal Michelle.

I woke up to the HARD rain hitting our tent at 6am. Michelle took control of the tent duties while I cleaned up. We ran to our food, drinks, and sloshed into the food tent. People were ripping off the pink tablecloths to make raincoats for the walk. Luckily Michelle brought extras, so I was good to go. We merrily went into the rain and thankfully it cleared up within a half n’ hour of our walk. 13 miles was going to be nothing after our day of 27. There were more bonding chat walks and eves-dropping of amazing survivor stories. We all ended the walk back at 43rd street with a welcome of friends, family, strangers, and Cheer New York (yes, of course I got info from them—I was only a cheerleader of 13 years).

Thank you AGAIN for all the donations! The set the standard high to meet a minimum of $1500, I was able to raise a little over $2500! Wow!

Thank you Nicole for letting me join your awesome group. I loved meeting everyone (I already love Michelle though, so she doesn’t count, HA! Squish).

Yes, I will most likely do this walk again in a few years. I’d like to mix up the causes I walk/run/bike for, that’ll be my goal.

Thank you Avon and all their supporters. It was a great experience I’ll never forget. Also, Avon has set up another research foundation called Army of Women to find the cure to Prevent cancer from even Starting! Please sign up or spread the news. As a volunteer, they will send you emails about research that you can choose to participate in:

More Pictures

Friday, October 03, 2008

Avon Breast Cancer Walk

This is a pretty serious walk. They are not joking around here. $1800 minimum to raise, 2 days, 40 miles, rain or shine. I am lucky to know amazingly generous people and was able to raise over $2500! Like, WOW!

Ever since I had a job, I've donated as much as I could. Last year, I was making good cash and donated tons to my pals that walked, ran, and chopped all of their hair off. This year, I'm not making nearly as much (but am MUCH happier at my place of employment and position), so I decided to do the duties. I still can't really run far and my hair is just growing back from my own chopping. This walk seemed to be the perfect cause. I know so many people that have been effected by cancer. My entire family on my mom's side has a long history of cancer, not necessarily breast cancer. I'm actually not sure where the cancer started in most of my family's cases, because it had spread so fast. Members who I know of that have been effected: Great-grandma and grandpa, Grandpa Reed, Grandma Shirley, Aunt Linda, and, just recently, my Aunt Mary. Unfortunately, most my family didn't survive. But my Aunt Mary is currently fighting the disease hard and I know she can beat it! Mary rocks!!

So do the rest of the men and women that I'll be walking with tomorrow! I just finished registering today and already people are sporting pink wigs, boas, shirts, you name it! Yes, it'll be a long hard walk, but it looks like it's going to be tons of fun. I will be taking pictures and keeping ya'll updated.

Thank you ALL for your support!!
Hugs and Loves :D

*Pictured: great-grandma Helen, me, and grandma Shirley

Monday, September 29, 2008

More talented pals

I've been doing stuff with UCB since 2004 and since then, I've become pals with insane-o talented peeps (like those listed in the last blog). You take classes, hang out with them and then soon after, they start teaching at UCB, write for 30 Rock, and (sure, why not) make a movie.

My pals DC, Dom, and Donald formed the group Derrick and recently filmed their own movie. Here's the trailer, check it out:


Friday, September 26, 2008


I have worked my tail off to get to where I am today. It's hard to get anywhere without some sort of motivation. I usually go to my journal and write a list of short and long term goals to get my focus moving. I also turn to my pals for advice and to light a fire under my butt. I've started to gain a lot of motivational ground lately because my pals have been making amazing strides and doing great work! Look out for them. They're great!!

Jeanine Hattas
Self-employed Muralist -

Eliza Skinner
Writer/Performer - Eliza's Site

Bobby Moynihan
Performer (now on SNL!)

Jeff Hiller
Jeff's Site
Jeff was in a movie!

Dyna Moe

Friday, September 12, 2008


So I'm working on this project for work and it's about setting goals. I got to thinking how I set goals for myself and how often I write up a list. I do it very sporadically and would like to make it more consistent. Then our one of the heads of the department and shared with us this awesome site called

I just set up my own profile and I intend on setting AND achieving goals for myself.
(and if you want, you can subscribe to the RSS feed. man i love google reader.)

You should set one up tooo!!! Dooooo iiiit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free Stuff-NYC Craigslist

Just wanted to give ya'll a heads up on this:

AWESOME CHAIR!!! (manhattan)

I painted this chair myself years ago and never finished the design on the legs but it's still AWESOME! working on another one now and i need the room SO if you're interested email me!!!!


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

You might have too much time if... make a comic strip out of pictures with you and your pets.
(You can click on them to see them in another window--click again to zoom in!)


Emmie's last line is repeated by accident.....suggestions on what she should say???




Thursday, July 31, 2008

Good fortune on the Subway

We’re in a country that’s facing a serious depression with economic down turn, the dollar is dropping, there are possible layoffs, and too many wars. After my transit-check card didn’t work this morning, I was sure it was going to be an annoying day. Then I sat next to a mom and her daughter who’s in college. The daughter was bitching at first about money and how she probably can’t afford to go to Greece to see her family overseas. I was thinking, “Poor baby. Get over it.” The mom was also annoyed and said that the daughter probably could do it if she saved. The daughter was hell bent that she couldn’t afford it and then started rambling on about her friend Ben going abroad for a semester. The mom was interested and started asking questions about what studying abroad was, like what classes you have, what countries you visit. The daughter went into full details about Greece, Italy, and Spain and all the different classes there were available. She then told a story about these girls that roomed with her friend and how they were snobby rich kids that didn’t even care about being in the Sistine Chapel and seeing Michelangelo work of art in real life. That pissed off mom. She asked how much it was. The daughter said it was $7500.
Mom said, “Ok. You should go.”
The daughter said, “What?”
Mom said, “You can go. I have enough saved for you to go. This is a chance of a lifetime. You should go.”
D-“But it’s $7500! That doesn’t even include spending costs for food.”
M-“Ok. We’ll figure it out.”
D-“I’ll work extra hours. No more extracurricular for this semester. I have to save.”
M-“Don’t worry, I’ll help.”
D-“But that’s almost $3000 more! That’s too much.”
M-“It’ll be your birthday present.”
D-“That’s too much. It’ll be birthday and Christmas for the next couple of years! [she starts crying] This is the chance of a lifetime. Are you serious?”
D-“You can come the last week I’m there and we can go home together.”
M-“I would like that. I’ve never been.”

Yeah. I almost cried too.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Food Delivers

I'm way big into eating healthy now, and a pal of mine passed on this AWESOME produce delivery group called Urban Organics. They deliver a range of fruits and veggies right to your door. You can even customize what you want/don't want. They have 4 different box sizes and deliver to all the borrows around Manhatten. I'm so excited to get my first delivery!

I also have an update from the Veggie/Vegan bible. Ella Nemcova has updated her site and it looks super fab. Each meal is 100% organic, good for your bod and only $22.50. She also has a guide on her website of what foods to eat and stay away from. I love it!!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Free Stuff-NYC Craigslist

Some of the amazing wonders I found on craigslist that are FREE! FREEEE!!

Crazy monkey creature

Glade candle holders
(cause it's too much to go out and buy one for $2)

Gigantic Playground


...and my favorite (this is how it's listed)
Big safe to store anything of value including guns or metal - (Times Square)

Monday, July 07, 2008

Pet Fashion week-NYC

Um. Yeah.

August 23-24th, 2008

For more info, go to:

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Veggie and Vegan bible

I got this incredible list from a friend of mine. I don't it should be kept secret, so I'm laying it all out for my readers.


(Medical doctors who provide excellent veg nutritional information)

On-line vegan grocery store:

Everyday grocery store food that you never knew was vegan:

Hundreds of reviewed recipes:

Fabulous DVD that shows how to cook and shop cruelty-free:

With this video/DVD, adding tofu to your diet has never been easier:

Ridiculously tasty, soy meats delivered right to your door:

Scrumptious cookies, brownies, and chocolate:

Dr Cows Vegan Cheese to die for:
(read this <> cool article about it too!)

Follow your heart cheeses (Amazing for melting/ sandwiches)

Amazing raw food snacks:

Incredible (the best!!!) grain based meats:

Ice Cream & Vegan yogurts:

Instead of butter: Earth Balance spread (much yummier than butter!)
Instead of eggs: Tofu Scramble - try the one at Bliss in Brooklyn or Curly's in NYC, or make:

Instead of mayo: Nayonaise

"Cheese" recipes for cheese lovers:

The Post Punk Kitchen is home to Isa Chandra Moskowitz and her INCREDIBLE cookbook (my favorite) Vegonomicon. Check it out for hipster style and dope recipes:

Lists all vegetarian restaurants worldwide Vegan Restaurant Guides for NYC, LA, San Fran, Seattle, Portland, and D.C.: (An ambitious website made by vegans for vegans primarily in NYC)

A few personal favorites (note I said PERSONAL – there are thousands of veg restaurants, these are just some of my faves);
Los Angeles:

New York: Candle 79, Hangawi, Blossom, Kate's Joint, Counter, Caravan of Dreams, Bliss (Brooklyn), Candle Café, Angelika's Kitchen, Curly's, Gobo.
Private vegan chef's (NY AREA):
"Gabrielle Brick"
"Joshua Katcher"
"Ella Nemcova"

Vegan Cooking Classes LA taught by two hip awesome girls:

Lagusta's Luscious is a meal delivery service that specializes in organic, vegan food in NYC, upstate New York, and New Jersey

Nutritional information on vegan diets for athletes
The low-down on how dairy products aggravate osteoporosis, not prevent it
For parents who want to get vegan meals into their children's schools
A Short on Vegan Kids!

(Each of these provides an array of vegan products)
(Coolest message-related clothing, buttons, etc)
Oh so stylish vegan handbags, wallets, shoes, boots, and belts
Luxurious handbags created with buttery-soft glazed vegan leather
Totally fun and sexy makeup lines
Great ethical, green high fashion advice for men by men
Organic and animal-free bedding and blankets
The first all-vegan, eco-friendly, fair labor online children's store
Natalie Portman shoes for Te Casan Stella McCartney's shoes.

Extraordinary documentaries on animal issues – we highly recommend seeing all of these
Hands-down, the best veg eating and lifestyle magazine

The Food Revolution by John Robbins

Skinny Bitch by Rory Freedman

The China Study: Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health— Seminal study documenting link between animal food & disease, and industry influence -

Becoming Vegan : The Complete Guide to Adopting a Healthy Plant-Based Diet —GREAT book on how to make sure you get all your vitamins and nutrition as a veggie lass or gent

Vegonomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz – my most FAVORITE cookbook!!

Healthy Eating Series: PCRM books on vegan diets for children, women, cancer, and diabetes

Eat to Live and Disease-Proof Your Child -

Vegan Freak - by Bob and Jenna Torres -

Living with Meat-Eaters -

How to deal with questions from meat-eaters once you go veg
Raising Vegan Children in a Non-Vegan World
A great guide for helping your child easily adjust to going vegan

Vegan World Fusion Cuisine:

How It All Vegan and The Garden of Vegan:

The Vegetarian Meat and Potatoes Cookbook by Robin Robertson

Vive le Vegan!: Simple, Delectable Recipes for the Everyday Vegan Family

The Ultimate Uncheese Cookbook— Favorite "cheese" dishes without the cholesterol, animal products, and dairy allergens

Simple Treats: a dairy-free wheat-free guide to scrumptious baked goods

Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, a feature documentary about the healing powers of live foods. Fascinating short film online here free:

Green Earth Travel is the one stop travel service for all of your travel needs. Their specialty is meeting the vegetarian/vegan needs of their clientele.

Healthy Highways: A Traveler's Guide to Healthy Eating - great blog on veg traveling

MORAL SUPPORT/ MAILING LISTS: - Great way to get advice, commune with others
educates, inspires, and empowers people to shift toward a plant-based diet. EarthSave was founded by John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America. Look for an EarthSave chapter in your area.

The only national organization focusing on electing humane-minded legislators and lobbying for animal protection laws
now some links (not all. yeah, there's more in the book!) from the Skinny Bitch book:

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Doggie info

I recently adopted the most amazing dog in the universe. She's a rescue from a puppy mill and adopted from the Louis Animal Foundation, Inc (off of Her name was Sunrise, but now goes by Emmie Loo Skeris. She was incredibly scared at first, but with only over a month of training, Emmie Loo has come out of her shell.

Emmie Loo is my very first dog. I had to sift through a lot of stuff to find all the things I need as a pup owner. I'm going to list as many things as I can so if you're ever interested in ADOPTING, it'll make your process easier.

Please adopt and don't buy from a petstore. The animals in petstores come from many abused facilities. If you must buy, please go through a trusted breeder who has all their background information readily availabe for you.

Places to adopt in NYC:
Humane Society
Animal Haven
SOS Dogs

Things you MUST buy:
Harness (pull from the front NOT the back)
Wee wee pads
a Crate that's big enough for him/her to stand up and lay down (don't get one too big)
Apple Bitters (for things you don't want him/her to chew on--like your hands)
Healthy food - Life's Abundance and Natural Balance

Training and More:
Kate Perry is an awesome trainer! Plus her rates are completely reasonable.
The Dog Wash will completely poop out your dog if you need a doggie daycare.
D is for Doggie is a much more upscaled daycare.

More Fun Stuff:
Fancy Doggie Clothes — Trixie & Peanut
Whitener for tear stained dogs — Eye Envy
training tips
seperation anxiety

....and please remember that your DOG is a DOG and not a human!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

C'mon Tiffany

I've always liked Tiffany. They used to be a little old fashioned, but now they have designers that do gorgeous work. So when I see this:

I'm a little dissapointed. The person would really need to be into aviation, or just plain ugly jewelry.

Then I saw this guy:

I thought it was a robot at first. Turns out it's a buggy.

But Tiffany still has the goodies. Since I am in a price-conscious mode, most of the stuff I'm listing is under $200. I'm a simple gal, for now.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

News that's easy to read

I am jealous of people who can retain a lot of information because I am not that kind of person. I want to keep up with the news, but I find most of it dry and boring. A pal of mind recommended that I check out THE WEEK magazine. It has saved me. THE WEEK picks up articles from various newspapers and compresses it so it's easy to read and understand. Yes, it's "Cliff Notes" for adults. I love it. Plus it's super cheap–like $1/per mag if you subscribe.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Val Day Gifts

We, as Americans, have this holiday. Valentine's Day. It's a day where couples feel obligated to do something for each other and singles wonder "what they've done wrong" to remain single. It's a bummer. I ask you to flip your views for yourself and for the people around you. Take this day and embrace it as a day that you are happy to have such wonderful people in your life. If you are in love, celebrate that love. If you're in like, embrace a new beginning. If you're alone (like me) spoil the shit out of yourself because you are awesome and you deserve it.

Maybe it's a day where you realize, I don't love you. I want something more. Or it's a day you realize, I am ready for marriage. Or maybe it's, I love my family....those people are my valentine. Try and work it in a positive spin. And then take a bubble bath with lavender and epsom salts.

Here are my gift recos, whether they be for yourself or a loved one.
I have a few friends that make jewelry. These are the ones that I have info on.
My friend Peter was a jewler a long time ago and has recently repicked up the craft.
As a professor in Lit, he also makes pretty things and one that I was lucky enough to get as a gift. I love his unique design and his exploration with different materials and stones. I LOVE my necklace (shown below). He's incredibly talented: peterhelff <> yahoo

My other pal Kim make an array of beautiful jewelery. I pretty much stare at her website in awe.
I love the Collage and Web Necklaces. It's a tiny pict, but I really like this one:

For men?
I love my Bonsai and Bamboo plants. It's not too feminine and can spruce up any apartment! They're just plane cool looking.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Are you sick too?

I've already been sick twice in one month already. Once with a cold and the second with a cold/fever/flu thing. This winter has been nasty on the illness and it's going around to EVERYBODY. Here are a few things I've learned along the way.

clear: not infected, take clariton
yellow: infected, but fightable (go on antibiotics)
green: infected, will be hard to fight (go on antibiotics)
brown: super infected, you're screwed (go to the hospital)

Do ginger tea with honey for colds.
This particular tea ROCKS for colds and sore throats:

I found this in Korean town food store on 32nd & 6th
Honey Citron Tea

I have been neglecting mine. Vitamins are different for different folk. Don't be afraid to try different brands out. This is my preference:

I found it at my healthy food place
New Chapter Organics/Every Woman's One Daily

A lot of people do the airborn or the zinc chews, this puppy is my favorite. It has kicked many a sickness out of my system:

Wellness Formula found at GNC

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Shop it to me!

Who doesn't love a sale? I am big time into bargain hunting. I am also lazy. Shop it to me helps me to continue my laziness while still getting the bargains. First you sign up for an account, choose the name brands that you like, choose the sizes you're interested in, and they'll send you an email (timing is of your choosing) letting you know the who/what/where of bargains. I think the best part is you can get this stuff in YOUR SIZE!

Make sure you keep a budget. You can buy a lot of stuff, but it adds up yo!

Sign up now:

Monday, January 07, 2008

MBT Shoes

I have 2 herniated discs in my neck. I have been doing PT for over a year and the chiropractor for 6months. They have both helped with the pain but my MBT shoes have been AMAZING. The pain in my torn ACL diminished instantly and my back felt better. I can wear these shoes for an entire day and not be sore. That's seriousness.

I bought the black sandles and got the blue shoes for the fall. They are a bit on the pricey side, but it's worth every penny. You can buy them at BLISS, online and ebay.

You can also search for stores that sell their shoes on their website so you can try them on first. They all run around the same:

They're for both men and women!