Thursday, February 21, 2008

News that's easy to read

I am jealous of people who can retain a lot of information because I am not that kind of person. I want to keep up with the news, but I find most of it dry and boring. A pal of mind recommended that I check out THE WEEK magazine. It has saved me. THE WEEK picks up articles from various newspapers and compresses it so it's easy to read and understand. Yes, it's "Cliff Notes" for adults. I love it. Plus it's super cheap–like $1/per mag if you subscribe.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Val Day Gifts

We, as Americans, have this holiday. Valentine's Day. It's a day where couples feel obligated to do something for each other and singles wonder "what they've done wrong" to remain single. It's a bummer. I ask you to flip your views for yourself and for the people around you. Take this day and embrace it as a day that you are happy to have such wonderful people in your life. If you are in love, celebrate that love. If you're in like, embrace a new beginning. If you're alone (like me) spoil the shit out of yourself because you are awesome and you deserve it.

Maybe it's a day where you realize, I don't love you. I want something more. Or it's a day you realize, I am ready for marriage. Or maybe it's, I love my family....those people are my valentine. Try and work it in a positive spin. And then take a bubble bath with lavender and epsom salts.

Here are my gift recos, whether they be for yourself or a loved one.
I have a few friends that make jewelry. These are the ones that I have info on.
My friend Peter was a jewler a long time ago and has recently repicked up the craft.
As a professor in Lit, he also makes pretty things and one that I was lucky enough to get as a gift. I love his unique design and his exploration with different materials and stones. I LOVE my necklace (shown below). He's incredibly talented: peterhelff <> yahoo

My other pal Kim make an array of beautiful jewelery. I pretty much stare at her website in awe.
I love the Collage and Web Necklaces. It's a tiny pict, but I really like this one:

For men?
I love my Bonsai and Bamboo plants. It's not too feminine and can spruce up any apartment! They're just plane cool looking.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Are you sick too?

I've already been sick twice in one month already. Once with a cold and the second with a cold/fever/flu thing. This winter has been nasty on the illness and it's going around to EVERYBODY. Here are a few things I've learned along the way.

clear: not infected, take clariton
yellow: infected, but fightable (go on antibiotics)
green: infected, will be hard to fight (go on antibiotics)
brown: super infected, you're screwed (go to the hospital)

Do ginger tea with honey for colds.
This particular tea ROCKS for colds and sore throats:

I found this in Korean town food store on 32nd & 6th
Honey Citron Tea

I have been neglecting mine. Vitamins are different for different folk. Don't be afraid to try different brands out. This is my preference:

I found it at my healthy food place
New Chapter Organics/Every Woman's One Daily

A lot of people do the airborn or the zinc chews, this puppy is my favorite. It has kicked many a sickness out of my system:

Wellness Formula found at GNC