Monday, November 05, 2007

Chin Tucks

I have two herniated discs in my neck. As you probably have guess, they hurt a lot. My physical therapist (pt) has me do this exercise to alleviate the pain. She thinks that everyone should be doing this exercise because most people’s posture is messed up. Think about it, look at all the bad postures around you. I’m guessing that 90% of the people you know work at a computer and lean forward. That leaning puts a strain on your back and more importantly, your neck. Your neck is abnormally pushed forward which throws your whole body out of balance.
Your head is not light and your neck should have a curve where your head lines up with your shoulder blades (which also have a tendency to hunch forward). The following exercise will help get your body back in place and will strengthen your neck muscles. It is my physical therapists dream to see everyone doing CHIN TUCKS while she’s waiting for her train to arrive. Let’s make this dream a reality!

1 comment:

smniles said...

Hi...I know this was posted forever ago, but I was researching this and came upon your post.

Did the chin tucks help you with the herniated discs in your neck? Did they reduce pain? Promote healing? I'd love to hear your experiences, as I'm dealing with a herniated disc in my neck, and my PT has suggested chin tucks too.
