Monday, September 29, 2008

More talented pals

I've been doing stuff with UCB since 2004 and since then, I've become pals with insane-o talented peeps (like those listed in the last blog). You take classes, hang out with them and then soon after, they start teaching at UCB, write for 30 Rock, and (sure, why not) make a movie.

My pals DC, Dom, and Donald formed the group Derrick and recently filmed their own movie. Here's the trailer, check it out:


Friday, September 26, 2008


I have worked my tail off to get to where I am today. It's hard to get anywhere without some sort of motivation. I usually go to my journal and write a list of short and long term goals to get my focus moving. I also turn to my pals for advice and to light a fire under my butt. I've started to gain a lot of motivational ground lately because my pals have been making amazing strides and doing great work! Look out for them. They're great!!

Jeanine Hattas
Self-employed Muralist -

Eliza Skinner
Writer/Performer - Eliza's Site

Bobby Moynihan
Performer (now on SNL!)

Jeff Hiller
Jeff's Site
Jeff was in a movie!

Dyna Moe

Friday, September 12, 2008


So I'm working on this project for work and it's about setting goals. I got to thinking how I set goals for myself and how often I write up a list. I do it very sporadically and would like to make it more consistent. Then our one of the heads of the department and shared with us this awesome site called

I just set up my own profile and I intend on setting AND achieving goals for myself.
(and if you want, you can subscribe to the RSS feed. man i love google reader.)

You should set one up tooo!!! Dooooo iiiit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Free Stuff-NYC Craigslist

Just wanted to give ya'll a heads up on this:

AWESOME CHAIR!!! (manhattan)

I painted this chair myself years ago and never finished the design on the legs but it's still AWESOME! working on another one now and i need the room SO if you're interested email me!!!!
